How Brief the Dream

This week’s post is one of my “original fiction ideas”. It isn’t quite as developed as some others I’ve posted, but the basic concept should be clear….

“How Brief the Dream”

A strange virus of unknown origin mutates 1% of the world’s population, giving them various unusual/superhuman abilities. It seems to strike at random — at least, at first. (Backstory on the virus’ origins will eventually be revealed.) Those who contract it are externally identifiable by one of two morphological changes: 1) a semi-neanderthalic (and/or perhaps Klingon-like?) appearance, including thick hair and a muscular physique with muscle & bone mass that are at least twice the normal density for a human; or 2) a quasi-angelic or faery-like appearance, including pale/translucent skin, silvery or white hair, and delicate features with slightly elongated bodies, limbs, and digits. No wings, though.

The first group, with its enhanced physical abilities, is nicknamed “Morlocks” by the media, in reference to creatures they resemble from H.G. Wells’ <The Time Machine>. The second group, of course, is nicknamed “Eloi” and have enhanced mental abilities (e.g., telepathy among themselves and a few humans, empathic senses, limited psychokinesis).

Possible twist: “Morlocks” have normal human intelligence, though they are more aggressive in behavior. “Eloi”, while potentially more powerful, are (like their namesakes) generally gentle and pacific.

It is later discovered that a third group (nicknamed “Norms”? or “Sleepers”? or ?????????) has also been mutagenically altered, though it is not externally obvious and their unusual abilities are less homogeneous.

Rather than fall into stereotypes, there are good-guys and bad-guys among all groups.

The whole situation with the different groups of mutated individuals leads to various socio-cultural and political problems across the globe, as various individuals and factions (both among the altered and the unaltered) try to figure out what it all means for humanity, as well as whether it was caused by someone (human, extraterrestrial, or even supernatural) and, if so, what the purpose might have been.

I don’t have a specific plot in mind, but it would focus on at least one American city and possibly one in Europe, too.

In case you’re wondering, neither the “virus” nor the “divisions/wars between people groups” aspect is meant to parallel or be an analogy/allegory for what is going on in the world today. I got the idea and fleshed it out (such as it is) years before any of the current events were on the horizon.

* All ideas copyright Christopher Harris, 2013-2020.