Indiana Jones 5 Update

“When I’m gone, he’s gone. It’s easy.” — Harrison Ford, on whether or not he would ever be replaced as Indiana Jones

Just the other day, producer Frank Marshall announced on Twitter that filming on the latest (and final?) installment in the Indiana Jones movie franchise has completed. After over a decade of development and production delays, creators and fans alike can now breathe a sigh of relief as the film enters the post-production phase. The official, theatrical release date is June 30, 2023.

But, what else do we know about it?

1) Steven Spielberg was originally scheduled to both produce and direct, as he did previous installments. But, other responsibilities forced him to hand over the latter job to James Mangold (Logan, 3:10 to Yuma, Walk the Line) in 2020. This also led to a new script by Jez and John-Henry Butterworth (Edge of Tomorrow, Ford v Ferrari).

2) George Lucas is executive producing but, for the first time, not involved on the writing end. Other producers include Spielberg, Marshall, Kathleen Kennedy, and Simon Emanuel.

3) John Williams is back to do the music. Yay!

4) Harrison Ford is, of course, returning as the title character. The man is 79 years old, so props to him! Will there be any de-aging technology used? Unknown.

5) As of this writing, the plot (including time period) has yet to be officially revealed. That being said, Mangold hinted back in Jan. 2021 that Nazis and the search for the Fountain of Youth would be involved. Also, 1960s New York City, the space race, maybe some time travel. Whether or not any of this found its way into the final plot, I haven’t read anything definitive. Bottom line, though, we can probably count on it following along the same lines and themes of previous IJ films — namely, world-spanning adventures in pursuit of supernatural-themed legends.

6) Will any other castmembers from the earlier IJ movies make an appearance? Also unknown. Karen Allen was rumored to be returning, but no alumni are listed in IJ5’s cast on IMDB. However, any surprise cameos probably wouldn’t be added (if at all) until after the movie is out. (Hopefully.)

Mikkelsen, Waller-Bridge, and Ford

7) Newcomers joining Ford for this one, though, include Mads Mikkelsen (“Hannibal”, Arctic), Toby Jones (“Wayward Pines”, The Hunger Games: Catching Fire), Antonio Banderas (The Expendables 3, Desperado), Boyd Holbrook (“Narcos”, Logan), Thomas Kretschmann (“Biohackers”, “Penny Dreadful: City of Angels”), Shaunette Renée Wilson (“Billions”, “The Resident”), and Phoebe Waller-Bridge (“Broadchurch”, “Fleabag”). Unfortunately, nothing has been announced about their characters at this time, not even the names. Rumor has it, though, that Mikkelsen will play the main villain and will be accompanied by an “evil and brutal killer” female associate.

8) No official title, as yet.

I see four possibilities for how they might end the film. One, Indy dies at the end — whether naturally or by injury — thereby ending the franchise. Two, Indy lives and finally retires as an old (and hopefully happy) man — thereby ending the franchise. Three, Indy is rejuvenated by the Fountain of Youth (thereby requiring a little of that de-aging technology), and he goes back to doing what he loves as a very hands-on archaeologist. But, given Ford’s actual age, that’s probably the end of the franchise. Four, Indy is rejuvenated by the Fountain of Youth but decides to take a very different course, perhaps settling down and having a family. (Perhaps it would be indicated that a protege of Indy’s would take on Indy’s adventuring mantle (and whip and fedora?), though not necessarily to spin off a new film series.) I’m not too keen on the first option, but any of the others would be acceptable to me.

The most recent Indiana Jones entry, 2008’s Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, was a bit of a disappointment both critically and to the fans. (I didn’t think it was terrible, though.) George Lucas’s writing may have been a factor there. So, with Lucas not writing this one, that might bode well. Who knows?

Regardless, count me in among the original fans who await with great anticipation this final adventure with our favorite, whip-cracking archaeologist. Let’s hope the Hollywood magic is still there.