Three “New” Novel Series Worth Checking Out

The Avengers meets ‘The Walking Dead’ with a large order of epic served on the side… I loved it!” — Ernest Cline, author of Ready Player One, re Ex-Heroes

My pre-Christmas gift to you, my book-readin’ genre-lovers…

Anyone who has done much sci-fi reading these days is at least familiar with David Weber’s “Honorverse” by name. I’ve read the first three novels in the regular series, beginning with On Basilisk Station, and am really enjoying them. Here’s what you need to know: Honor Harrington is a tall, slender, somewhat insecure but very bright young captain in Her Majesty’s Royal Navy of Manticore. (That’s a planet in the hundreds-of-years-from-now future.) Despite Honor’s brilliance, it’s only through surviving some very harrowing battles and uncovering… well, stuff I shouldn’t mention… that she is able to push through some of the sexist and class barriers that exist in her world — military, political, and social. Actually, it’s through equal amounts talent and luck, along with great leadership skills, that she thrives despite it all, getting well-earned promotions and more powerful ships to command along the way. (Much to the surprise and chagrin of her enemies, of course.) If that weren’t enough to intrigue you, there is her fiercely loyal, empathic, smart-as-a-chimp, six-legged (armed?) treecat companion, Nimitz. Honor is one of the most interesting characters I’ve read in a while, and I know you will root for her, just as I do.

Oh, I should also mention that the many worlds of the “Honorverse”, with their interconnected histories and politics, are complex and quite well-developed. Weber has also spent much time developing the advanced tech (e.g., FTL drives) for his saga, as well as how that tech is used in military strategy and tactics. I confess, I don’t always follow it as closely as I’d like, but it certainly sounds impressive! 🙂

I have several more tales to look forward to in the “Honorverse” — both by Weber and/or by others he has let play in his yard. Come join us! (H/T to J.W. Wartick, who raved about Weber and his series on Facebook.)

For something a bit closer to home, how about a zombocalypse?! I’ll let Jack explain…

“Yeah, we got zombies — tons of ’em! Well, we call ’em “exes”, ‘cuz (as I was told) “zombies” makes ya think of movie monsters, and ya can’t afford to underestimate these things. One bite and yer infected, which pretty much means yer a goner. But, unlike in the movies, we got superheroes, too! They started showing up here ‘n there before the virus outbreak, but there are a few left here in Los Angeles, and they’re a big reason why the rest of us are alive. There’s St. George (used to be ‘Mighty Dragon’), Cerberus (or ‘Tank Lady’, as I call her), Zzzap (who also helps power our little community), Stealth (she’d make Batman crap his pants!), and a couple more. They sort of took the lead clearin’ away exes and gettin’ our community set up and protected at a movie studio we just call “The Mount”. Things like flight, superstrength, bulletproof skin, and fire-breathin’ come in handy around here, lemme tell ya! (And that’s just George!) The rest of us normal folk chip in where we can, doin’ supply runs (usually with a super escort), pullin’ guard duty, fixin’ the plumbing and electrical, makin’ ammo, and whatever else needs doin’. Unfortunately, there are also some not-so-nice non-ex survivors out there. And, guess what? A few of them have super powers, too!”

There are five in the series, and I recently finished the third. Start with Ex-Heroes: A Novel. You’ll thank me later.

Speaking of zombies, meet Dan Shamble, Zombie P.I. Yes, this is another genre mashup. Shamble (real last name Chambeaux) is a gumshoe who happens to also be a member of the undead. And, he’s not the only one. His girlfriend/office-manager (Sheyenne) happens to be a ghost, though they were both alive when the relationship began. Many of his clients and suspects are also of the supernatural variety: witches, werewolves, goblins, vampires, golems, mummies, etc. In fact, the city is filled with them ever since the Big Uneasy event a few years back. Well, actually they’re mostly in the Unnatural Quarter. There are still plenty of normal humans around, and some of them even spend some time in the Quarter, like Dan’s BHF (Best Human Friend), a beat-cop by the name of Toby “McGoo” McGoohan, and Dan’s business-partner, a “spunky”, workaholic, activist lawyer named Robin Deyer. The novels in this series explore — with great doses of humor — what it’s like to live and work in this city of the weird, with each one revealing more about the city, its history, and the backgrounds of Dan and his small circle of friends and associates.

There are five novels and two anthologies of short stories. If this series by Kevin J. Anderson intrigues you — and, believe me, it is “different” — then start with Death Warmed Over: Dan Shamble, Zombie PI (Volume 1).

Here’s hopin’ that one or more of these series suits your fancy and will give you hours of enjoyment….

P.S. If you want more recommendations and haven’t yet checked out my earlier posts like this one, go here, here, and here.

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