My 17 Favorite NON-Genre Films

I decided to do something a little odd this week, in that this is a list of films that do not fall within the usual action/adventure and sci-fi/fantasy genres covered in this blog. I had been trying to remember “non-genre” movies that I have watched over the decades — there are relatively few of them — and couldn’t help myself but come up with some favorites to share. Hope you don’t mind.

It was actually somewhat difficult identifying movies that fit the bill, and sometimes I’d think I came up with another but then realized that it didn’t qualify. For example, I almost included The Gods Must Be Crazy (1980), Weekend at Bernie’s (1989), Dances with Wolves (1990), Apollo 13 (1995), and Cast Away (2000), until I realized that they were each considered at least partially an “adventure” film. I also wanted to include Field of Dreams (1989), Always (1989), and The Green Mile (1999), but then remembered that they are each disqualified by “fantasy” elements.

You will note in the list that follows that I include four — plus part of Forrest Gump — with a military/war backdrop. However, these particular films are not focused on warfare, prison camp, or even bootcamp (though I could be wrong on that last one). There are scenes of cadets or soldiers with guns, but its about “drama”, occasionally comedy, but not “action”.

OK, here’s my list in chronological order:

Taps (1981) (drama)

Chariots of Fire (1981) (bio/drama/sport)

Ferris Bueller’s Day Off (1986) (comedy)

Broadcast News (1987) (comedy/drama/romance)

Good Morning, Vietnam (1987) (bio/comedy/drama)

Rain Man (1988) (drama)

Dead Poets Society (1989) (comedy/drama)

Sleeping with the Enemy (1991) (drama/thriller)

Regarding Henry (1991) (drama/romance)

A League of Their Own (1992) (comedy/drama/sport)

The Cutting Edge (1992) (comedy/drama/romance/sport)

A Few Good Men (1992) (drama/thriller)

The Shawshank Redemption (1994) (drama)

Forrest Gump (1994) (drama/romance)

Good Will Hunting (1997) (drama/romance)

A Beautiful Mind (2001) (bio/drama/mystery)

The Imitation Game (2014) (bio/drama/thriller)

For whatever it’s worth, as I was reviewing this list, I realized that there are three entries with Robin Williams, three with Tom Cruise, and two starring Tom Hanks.

I keep thinking that I’ve forgotten one or two, but nothing else comes to mind as yet. Seven of the above I have rewatched in the last 3-5 years, and I am definitely ready to see the other ten in the near future. As usual, so many movies, so little time.

Anyone care to share your favorite non-genre movies?