Thoughts on *Star Wars: The Force Awakens*

I wasn’t gonna do this.

I wasn’t gonna write/post a review of Star Wars: The Force Awakens until after I’d watched it a second time, which probably wouldn’t be until January sometime. But, I saw it today (12/19), then read a few comments by others, and I couldn’t help myself. So, instead of working on my other blog like I should have, I wrote this. (Well, most of it.)

As usual, I present for your consideration some of my observations, reflections, and critiques, though a little more substantive than the simple bullets that I sometimes do. I won’t disclose any MAJOR revelations, but I do refer either explicitly or implicitly to a few things that happen, so here is your official…


Star Wars VII movie posterWonderful!



(And that’s just the opening trailers/previews!)

I really like the new characters. All of them. Finn and Rey are interesting and enjoyable as individuals but also work well together and have a nice chemistry — with or without any potential romance. I’m glad the producers decided to go with relative unknowns, John Boyega and Daisy Ridley, to portray them, much as Lucas did for his young protagonists in the originals. I like the way the characters are developing, as they are from very different backgrounds yet both orphaned and both “outsiders”, never imagining themselves involved in something like the Resistance, yet recognizing the importance of the cause. Rey and Finn’s personal journeys are just beginning (sort of), and I’m happy to be along for the ride.

I have to say, though, that their respective lightsaber duels with Kylo Ren were both a bit far-fetched — i.e., that they lasted so long –, I thought, given that neither had any sort of training, whereas Ren clearly did. I suppose we are to attribute some of it to Ren’s having been injured in his side just minutes before. Also, Rey may have had some instinctive Force-driven moves, though that wasn’t exactly clear. Finn, on the other hand, just got lucky (until he didn’t).

Kylo Ren is not as big or menacing a villain as Darth Vader was. But, is he “not as scary as he <should> be”? I don’t think so. Ren may be nearly as powerful as Vader was when we saw him — i.e., very, but still a level or three below that of his master. But, Ren is more emotionally volatile and not yet a “Sith Lord”. In fact, I think he is a lot like Vader probably was in between episodes III and IV, and I suspect we will see him grow even more powerful as the trilogy progresses. It wasn’t clear to me the extent of Ren’s injuries, but I wouldn’t be surprised if (like Vader and Luke) he ends up getting some bionic/mechanical replacements or enhancements. As an aside, I will say that I kind of like the simple voice-effect used for when Ren wears his mask.

Poe Dameron is a very likable (semi-)rogue, and I truly hope we get to see and discover more about him in the rest of the trilogy and/or the anthology films. Same goes for the rest of his squadron. (Great to see Greg Grunberg in the mix!) Some parts of the fighter battles were reminiscent of those from the original trilogy — intentionally so, I’d wager — but different enough to not feel like rip-offs. More generally, there were indeed parallels and homages to the previous films, from character backgrounds to dialogue to plot-points. Too many? Maybe. But, I have to admit, I didn’t mind them. As my friend J.W. said in his own review:

“It is like Disney was giving us one big Wookie hug, reassuring viewers that yes, this is Star Wars, and it is back.”

Other fantastic new characters, like Captain Phasma, Maz Kanata, Lor San Tekka, and (of course) Supreme Leader Snoke, are all begging for more screen time. (Not so much General Hux, whom I found boring.) In case you don’t recognize Tekka’s name, that was the character at the beginning of the film played by the legendary Max von Sydow. It really is a shame that he didn’t have a longer-lasting role. (He would have made an awesome Jedi or Sith Master!) I am sure we will see more of them (except for Tekka, probably) in the upcoming films. Oh, I can’t forget the little droid, BB-8 — part R2-D2, part puppy dog. Love him/her/it!

BB-8 and ReySpeaking of R2, it was great to see “him” and C-3PO, but it is a shame they weren’t in more scenes. I suppose it isn’t “their story” anymore, so it makes sense that they not be around as much. Still, I hope they show up in episodes VIII and IX. Of course, it was GREAT seeing Han, Chewie, Leia, Luke, and even the Millennium Falcon! Their presence really helps with the continuity aspect, and they play important roles, not just brief, torch-handing appearances. (Well, Luke was just barely there, but he is sure to be central to the next film or two.) Just like old times… almost. (Or, should I say “old-timers”?) Also, I didn’t expect them, but it was nice to see Nien Nunb and Admiral Ackbar, too.

As far as the acting goes, I thought the performances ranged from good to terrific. To my memory, nothing and no one stands out as a dud. (Except maybe Stormtrooper FN-6713 — his marching was a tad off. :p )

I honestly don’t remember any of the soundtrack beyond the Main Theme. On the one hand, this could be a good thing, in that it complemented the action and drama so well that it didn’t distract. On the other hand, I love(d) the soundtrack from the original trilogy, and it really helped define the mood and tone of the films. Was my failure to notice it in this one because it was simply forgettable? Or, maybe it was too similar to the original stuff to make its own mark (in my mind, at least)? OR, was I just too engrossed in the film — trying to follow the plot, the dialogue, the jokes, notice all the cool stuff, appreciate the acting, make sense of all the action and other developments — that the soundtrack simply escaped notice? There is a LOT to absorb, after all.

Hmmm. I guess I’ll have to track some of it down online….

Unlike with the infamous prequels, I didn’t feel like every environment was green-screened. I’m sure a lot of it was, but there were “real” places (e.g., Iceland, Ireland, U.A.E.), too. Beyond that, I thought the Visual & Special F/X were on the money. (From what I understand, Abrams decided to go “old school” in some areas, even including stop-motion animation for the chess pieces on the Falcon.) A subsequent viewing may reveal some shots that could be improved, but for now, I’m gonna say they did a great job all around.

Same goes for the plot. Sure, there are at least a couple plot holes and plenty of opportunities for speculation and questioning of the writers’/director’s choices. But, there is no such thing as a perfectly executed film. I chose to focus on the overall entertainment value and nostalgia quotient. To that end, while I am no longer a kid watching Star Wars for the first (or second or fifth or umpteenth) time and getting carried away with the space fantasy epic, from the initial screen scroll I genuinely felt like I was back in the world(s) of that first trilogy that so enchanted and transported me in my youth. So, I have to conclude that…

The magic is back!

On balance, I found Star Wars: The Force Awakens to be a greatly entertaining film and a worthy & satisfying continuation of the Star Wars saga. Disney, Abrams, et al., ya done good! Now, keep it up!

Fan-Cast: Captain Marvel (DC), part 3: Marvel Family Villains

I thought it only fitting to follow up the last two weeks’ posts on Captain Marvel and the “Marvel Family” with a post on the “Marvel Family” villains. Well, three of them, anyway, and it seems to me that these three are the primary villains in the “Marvel Family” rogues gallery, as it were.

I know what you’re thinking, and a good argument can be made that the wizard Shazam’s semi-demonic offspring, Lady Blaze and Lord Satanus, are major “Marvel Family” villains. But, other than being basically humanoid, they don’t have any regular human features. When they aren’t disguising themselves as humans or other beings, they just have a solid black face (and horns) with red- or yellow-glowing eyes. So, anyone with sufficient dramatic range could play them — even several people.

That said, I’m gonna stick to these three:

Mister Mind

Mister Mind - classic appearance

Mister Mind (classic appearance)

Mr. Mind w/ speaker-boxAnd, now, I’m going to partially contradict the reasoning I just gave above re Blaze & Satanus. Mister Mind is, as you probably know, a worm — one that is normally worm-size, too. How does one cast that? But, Mind is also a powerfully telepathic, mind-controlling, megalomaniacal alien from Venus and not to be underestimated. So, while the character’s body will have to be done with CGI, I think it is important to find the right voice/personality for him, much as they did for Rocket Raccoon in Guardians of the Galaxy.

Generally speaking, Mind probably should sound quite confident, even pompous, and that would be reflected in the “voice” he uses when communicating with non-Venusians, either mentally or via the speaker-device he often wears. (For example, he would choose a voice that sounds commanding, not soft or weaselly.) I suppose there are a number of voice talents who have worked on genre animated series/movies that would do a great job. I don’t know that many, though I have heard clips of Eric Bauza and Greg Ellis voicing Mind. Still, I wanted to try to come up with regular actors who might be a good fit.

Here’s who I came up with:

James Marsters - black shirt and grey jacket

James Marsters

Kelsey Grammer as mean boss

Kelsey Grammer

Mark Hamill - nice smile

Mark Hamill

Paul Giamatti - smiling, beard and glasses

Paul Giamatti

I won’t get into their respective resumes, as I’m sure you know who they are and at least some of their work. Either Marsters or Grammer could provide a very upper-crusty (American or British) voice. (In fact, while looking for images of Mr. Mind, I came across someone else’s fan-cast of Grammer for the character; but, I swear, I thought of him independently!) Like Marsters, in addition to regular acting, Hamill has done a lot of genre voice work and is best known as “The Joker”. (He would have to do something very different for Mr. Mind, though.) I’m not really sure what I was thinking re Giamatti other than that he could really have fun with it.

Dr. Sivana

Dr. Sivana with cane

Dr. Thaddeus Sivana

Dr. Sivana - with sketches of scenariosNow, who in the world can we cast to play the stereotypical mad scientist, Dr. Thaddeus Sivana, Sr.? (Note: In some versions, he was also Billy’s (and Mary’s) conniving and murderous uncle.) Since I hold to a pre-“52” vision, he has to be on the short side, fairly slim, maybe (but not necessarily) bald. It might even help if he was sort of goofy-looking.

Max Grodenchik - in suit and tie, no smile

Max Grodénchik

Grodenchik as

Grodenchik as “Rom”

Jim Rash in nice shirt and gold tie, glasses

Jim Rash

While there are probably a few others who could do the role justice, the first person to come to my mind is Max Grodénchik (b.1952). If you are a fan of “Star Trek: Deep Space Nine”, you remember him as the beloved Ferengi named “Rom” (among other characters). But, he has also appeared in other series. I think he could do a great job as Sivana. (Plus, we already know he looks “good” bald!) Another possibility is Jim Rash (~5’9″) of “Community”, plus many other things over the years. He’s a little young and a bit taller than I would prefer, but, if he doesn’t mind hunching over all the time, his slim build and bald pate work in his favor.

Black Adam

Black Adam - hovering, arms crossed

Black Adam

Energized Black Adam in the rubbleBlack Adam (aka Teth-Adam) was the original person to serve as a super-powered champion with Marvel-like powers, though his were from Egyptian gods and not Shazam and the even more ancient gods he served. Serious personal tragedy led to Adam’s turning bad, and he is now the antithesis of the new champion, Captain Marvel. Adam is Marvel’s equal in strength, stamina, etc., but prone to arrogance, anger, and brutality. While he has allied with true heroes from time to time (including membership in the Justice Society of America), Black Adam is primarily a villain.

He has a tall, muscular physique like Captain Marvel (anywhere from 6′, 198 lbs., to 6’3″, 250 lbs.), so any actor to take on the role should be of a similar build. It would help if he had a swarthy complexion, since Adam is supposed to be from the Middle East (i.e., Egypt/Kahndaq). Age-wise, Adam is immortal but appears to be at least in his 30s but more often like a 40-something human.

Dwayne Johnson - Mathayus with scimitar, The Scorpion King

Dwayne Johnson as Mathayus in The Scorpion King

Dwayne Johnson in Fast Five

Dwayne Johnson in Fast Five

The obvious and most often suggested person for this role is Dwayne “the Rock” Johnson (6’4″,b.1972), and I fully support his nomination. Apparently, as I write this, it is not entirely clear after all whether Johnson will be playing Captain Marvel or Black Adam in the upcoming live-action Shazam movie. I vote for the latter, because his appearance fits him much better. I also seem to remember Johnson saying he would prefer the darker role. Of course, he’ll need to grow out his hair a little (or wear a wig), but he definitely has the muscles.

Sasha Roiz - shirtless with tattoos, in Caprica

Sasha Roiz - grey sweatshirt with arms crossed

Sasha Roiz

I think Sasha Roiz (6’4″,b.1973) — “Caprica”, “Warehouse 13”, Pompeii, “Grimm” — has a look, as well as the needed height, that might lend itself to this role. He’s already in pretty good shape, but I’m sure he could bulk up to play Black Adam.

Jason Momoa as Khal Drogo

Momoa as Khal Drogo on “Game of Thrones”

Jason Momoa - sports jacket and small smile

Jason Momoa

My third choice, though he is a little bit young and “pretty”, is Jason Momoa (6’4″,b.1979) of “Stargate: Atlantis” and “Game of Thrones” fame. He meets all of the physical criteria, plus (like Johnson) he has already played very physical characters, as well as quite dour and violent ones. He’s got muscles, but he could put on more, like he should have done for the Conan remake. Of course, if he is playing Aquaman as rumored — don’t get me started on this one –, he most likely will not be playing another major DC character, too. Still, if I had my way….

What sayest thou, loyal readers?

UPDATE 9/3/2014:  Dwayne Johnson has now confirmed that he will be playing Black Adam and not Captain Marvel!  Yesss!

* All ideas copyright Christopher Harris, 2013-2014.